Mexico City South Mission | Av. Progreso 106, 3' Piso | Barrio Santa Catarina, Coyoacan | 04010 Mexico, Distrito Federal | Mexico


Hi Family

This week was great! One of our investigators (14) is reading the Book of Mormon with his mother and they have reached second Nephi. Whenever we visit them, their desires to live righteously are very strong. The power of the Holy Ghost is always present with them. They have told us that their small family is more united when we visit them. 

I pray every day for them.

I hope that all is well, and that summer has been a fun experience. 

Keep pressing forward. 
(Helaman 5:12) 

Have a wonderful week  

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi There

Hi Family 

I hope that all is going well. Things are doing well here. I have learned a great deal this week from one of our Zone Conferences. 

Our mission president shared with us a story from the Book of Mormon, when Nephi was commanded to build a ship. Nephi asked where he should go to find ore to construct the ship, and afterward contructed the ship according to the model that the Lord showed him, using his own ingenuity to be able to contruct the ship.

Our mission president spoke of the importance of following the Lord`s model and using our own abilites and talents. It was a very inspiring message. 

I hope all is well and that you have a wonderful week. Let me know what fun things happened this summer. 

I love you all

-Hermana Schuetz

P.S. Spiritual Thought: Courage is a manifestation of our faith. It is a powerful attribute that God has given to each and every one of His sons and daughters. It is something that lifts us to become stronger. Courage is the firm understanding that God will be on our right hand and on our left, with His angels round about us to bear us up. 

(Joshua 1:9)

Hi family

We had a great week this past week. We found a new family to teach, a father, mother and two girls ages 7 and 9. The mother told us that when we came to teach her, she felt a great peace and happiness. She said that she believes that she would like to be baptized.  We are praying and working so that this can happen. 

I am very glad to be working here, trying to help children of God come unto Christ. I hope that I can do all that I can to help them understand the gospel better. 

I have been thinking a great deal about the power of the Holy Ghost in our lives. Just before the Savior acended into heaven, He gave to His disciples the Holy Ghost, to be their constant companion and to teach them what they should do (John 14:26). 

The gift of the Holy Ghost is just that--a gift. A gift that is perhaps one of the greatest gifts that our Father in Heaven has given us. As we are sensitive to the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, it will teach us, lift us, inspire us and heal us. I know that the Holy Ghost is real and that it's power is imcomprhensible.

Have a wonderful week

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Family

This week was wonderful! 

We have received a lot of blessings from the Lord. Our investigators have given us names of people that we can visit. 

We had missionary transfers again, but I will continue working in the same area with my amazing companion, Hermana Olsen. 

This Sunday a member of another ward came to our sacrament meeting and brought with her a friend, who has received some missionary lessons and has acepted a baptismal date. We learned that she lives in our area, and so now we will continue teaching her. I pray that all will go well. 

The youth in the ward returned from EFY and had a great time. Many of them bore their testimonies in sacrament meeting yesterday. 

I will forever be grateful for the members and the bishop in our ward. They sacrifice a great deal everyday to help us. I hope I can live worthy of their confidence. 

I have been thinking a great deal about the power of prayer in our lives. It is very easy to slip into the habit of offering the same prayers and repeating the same mundane phrases. But when we remember whom we are addressing and His great and infinite love for us, it becomes easier to have an open and humble conversation with Him who knows all. As we pray fervently and with real intent, I know that God will reach out with a loving hand to soothe our souls a and heal our troubled minds and hearts. ´´Behold, I stand at the door and knock, and if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and sup with Him, and he with me.¨

Remember the power of prayer in our lives 

I hope all is well. Have a great week

-Hermana Schuetz 

Wow, July is almost over....

Hi Family

We've had a wonderful week. A lot of lessons, a lot of new investigadors. I hope that I can help them progress. 

A huge challenge is helping the investigators attend church. We preach and testify, invite, remind, and remind again, but it's very difficult for them to come. Church attendance for the members isn't easy, either. 70% of church members in Mexico are inactive. Hopefully some day we can change that. 

I've been doing well here, always seeking to know what to do to help others come to Christ. Our ward is planning a service activity, which I hope will help us find more people to teach and help others come to know of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints a little more. 

Have a great week

-Hermana Schuetz


Sister missionaries that work in the same ward as me. 


First day in the mission photo

This picture is me with the mission president and his wife on the first day I arrived in the mission. 

Hna. Schuetz

A Week of Miracles

Hi Family

This week was wonderful!

We contacted a friend of our investigator, who readily and quickly acepted us. We later learned that this man had been talking to his son (14) about religion, asking him if he wanted to be a Chrsitian or a Catholic. His son responded that he wanted to be Christian. As this conversation was in progress and as the father of this boy was wondering and praying for guidance, we knocked on his door. 

He told us that he believes that we were sent to his home from God. He acepted a baptismal date, along with his son. His wife is not sure right now, but she is reading the Book of Mormon and is glad that we came to her home to teach her son. The man and his son both attended church yesterday and said that they enjoyed it. 

We have received many blessing this week. New investigadores, new baptismal dates, many people thirsting for the truth. I pray that I might be able to help these people come to Christ. 

This week I`ve been thinking about the importance of reading the scriptures. The scrpitures are our roadmap through life. They testify of truth to our minds and hearts and help us to follow God more closely. They contain the words of holy prophets, who receive direction from the Lord. They are inspired from heaven, an imeadiate blessing for us from our loving Heavenly Father. If we read with an open mind and a pure heart, God can speak to us and grant us the understanding that we need to navigate through this mortal life. (Alma 34:32) I testify of the power, authority and divinity of the scriptures. I hope that everyone will read them, think about them and live according to their teachings. 

Have a wonderful week

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Everyone

This week went by well. We have been seeing a lot of miracles taking place. 
We have recieved names of people to teach in every lesson that we have taught. Some don't live in our area, but I am very glad to know that the work is moving foward. 

One of our investigators introduced us to two of his friends who are interested in learning more about the church. One of them was asking us about the importance of baptism. We have an appointment with him tomorrow and he said that he would invite his family to listen as well. I pray for the influence of the Holy Ghost during this lesson. 

I heard that there's a French student in our house. What's his name? Will he be attending chuch on Sunday? Even though he`s only staying for a little while, it would be a great opportunity to share the gospel with him. 

I want to share my testimony of the importance of attending church. Apart from the Temple, the church is one of the most sacred places that we can enter. It is specially dedicated and set apart for us to worship, unite and pray. The presence of the Holy Ghost penetrates the hearts of those who seek divine guidance and enter with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Isaiahs teaches us that we will feast upon the inheritance of Jacob if we live in accordance with the Sacred nature of the sabbath day. (Isaiah 58:13-14)

Have a great week

-Hermana Schuetz


Photos from our Zone Conference (Although it was more than just our zone). We played some fun missionaries games. We will only get the chance to play some more fun games in December for Christmas. 

Hi Family

Hi everyone 

I heard that you had a fun fourth of July! I hope that is was wonderful. 

We had a good week. We contacted a lot of people and we are teaching a lot of people. One of our new investigatores was very glad to talk with us. She is very concerned about the moral values of her family. We explained that the gospel of Jesus Christ can help her family. She was very glad to hear this, and we are excited to teach her more. 

Spiritual Thought for this week: Ephesians 6:12-13

Have a wonderful week!

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Family

This week was great! 

The night before my birthday, I had one of the most powerful experiences that I have ever had on my mission. We taught an inactive member about the atonement of Jesus Christ. I asked her how she would feel if Jesus Christ were to visit her in home. 

She told me that she would feel unworthy, because she has a problem with smoking. I challenged her to make the appropriate changes in her life so that she would feel more worthy if Christ were to visit her. The Holy Ghost must have borne witnesses of the truthfulness of our words, because after the lesson she said, ¨Watch what I`ll do¨

She took her box of cigarettes, broke each cigarette in half and threw it in the garbage. 

I felt a renewed sense of commitment after this lesson, and an overwhelming understanding of the spiritual battle that is taking place-Satan contending for the hearts and minds of the children of God, and our Heavenly Father on the other side, pleading for His children to choose the right. 

My birthday was amazing! Despite being in a new ward, everyone was very welcoming and friendly. We ate at the bishop`s house, sung the Mexican version of Happy Birthday, and ate a delicious chocolate cake. 

It was a great week

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Family

Today we had transfers. I am in a new area with a new companion, Hermana Olsen. She is an American from Utah. 

Ever since Elder Johnson came to speak with the missionaries, I have felt motivated to continue searching for ways to improve our form of working, teaching and finding new people to teach. I hope that we can have success and achieve the mission goals. 

One of our investigadors came to a church activity, which was a very positive experience for him. He is preparing to be baptized soon, and has already committed to pay tithing after his baptism, live the word of Wisdom, and read the scriptures. The biggest challenge for him is lack of support from his family and friends. but during this activity, he had a lot of fun and got to know the members of the ward. I have high hopes for him.

That is all for this week

Have a wonderful week

Hermana Schuetz

Hi Family

Hi everyone! 

So I don't have much time to write this week, but this week has been great!

We had a wonderful Zone Conference with a member of the Seventy, Elder Daniel L. Johnson. I am convinced that anyone who listens to this man with spiritual ears will know for certain that he is a servant of the Lord. His words were filled with love and with the Spirit of the Lord, but also filled with serious concern and counsel for the missionaries. 

He spoke of the grand importance of working with the members, testifying, and studying the language. He called to repentance the misisonaries that don't get up at 6:30. (I have never had any problems with getting up on time, but I have had many companions that struggled with this.) After reading a survey that all the missionaries took, he praised the sister missionaries, many of whom reported that they wake up on time, while calling to repentance many of the Elders.  

We also had a special stake conference this week. Our stake leaders were released and our bishop has been called to the Stake Presidency. The theme of the conference was missionary work. Elder Daniel L. Johnson presided and shared inspiring words with the members about missionary work, and he also spoke for a long time about the importance of reading the scriptures as a family. He exhorted the members to read everyday as a family. He said something similar to the following:

"I know that many of you already read your scriptures as a famiy every once in while, but this is not enough. What message are we sending to our children? If scripture reading is a once-in-a-while thing, then your children will see it as a once in a while thing...we have not had contention in the home when we read as a family"

His message was very powerful. He testified to the missionaries of the importance of asking the members for the names of the people we could visit. He told us that we can't leave a house without the name and information of someone that the missionaries can visit. 

Don't have much more time, but have a great week

-Hermana Schuetz


It's June Already?

Hi Family

This week was great! Hilights of the week:

1) We have an investigador that is progressing very well in the gospel. He is reading the Book of Mormon, coming to church and has acepted a baptisal date.

2) We had a lesson with a new investigator that went well. He told us that he has seen us walking by in the street and that we have something special--a peace of mind and heart. He told us that he wants this type of peace in his life. I felt very humbled to hear that. 

Hope all is well. Have a great week!

-Hermana Schuetz

Hey everyone it's Hermana Schuetz

Hi there

How's it going? This week was pretty good. We had a very successful activity in the church called "Casas Abiertas" (Open House). A lot of people passed through the different rooms in the church building while the members explained all of the different activities available (Young Men and Young Women's program, Primary, Etc.)

We also had a successful stake Conference. The Bishop gave a wonderful talk about the responsibility that the members have to work with the missionaries. He told the members something similiat to the following: "I would like to share something that sister Schuetz shared with us during the Ward Council--Cuicuilco Ward, you are hereby called to serve as missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Your purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them recieve the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Chrsit and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Recieving the Gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. It is anticipated that your service will extend until the rest of your life. I await for you all to acept this call."

In all respects, I am trying to be the missionary my Heavenly Father wants me to be. I am frightened when I feel too relaxed, because I realize that I need to work harder. I hope to have success this week :)

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Again (Another week has gone by, wow)

Hi Family

We've been working hard this week as a companionship, trying to improve our teachings, so that our investigadors can progress in the gospel. 

Yesterday we contacted and taught a golden investigator. We had another one of our investigators come to church for the first time. He told us that he he really enjoyed the services and that everything was very beatuiful. We have high hopes for him. 

We have a zone conference this week that I'm looking forward to. I hope to learn a lot and improve. 

Tomorrow my companion and I (as well as many other missionaries) are going to present a gospel lesson to the mission president. Our mission president has been stressing the importance of preparing good lesson plans. I think that for this, he is asking various missionaries to give lessons. 

I hope everyone is doing well and remembering the person who gives us all things. The blessings of the Lord are grand for those who count their blessings and look to heaven, eyes wet with tears ans a heart full of gratitude. 

Have a wonderful week, I love you all 

-Hermana Schuetz 

Hi Again :)

Hi Family

It was great to talk with you on Mother's Day. This week went by pretty fast. we've been working hard, inviting others to come unto Christ, but there's always room for improvement. Our goals for this week include teaching more inactive members and finding more new investigators. 

The members of the ward are getting more involved in missionary work also, which is good. 

We had transfers today, but my companion and I are staying in the same area. 

Remember to always rely on Jesus Christ. Stay true. Keep the Sabbath Day holy. Endure to the end. 

I love you all 

-Hermana Schuetz

Hola Familia

Hey everyone

This week was wonderful! We are really excited for one of our investigadors that is coming to church every Sunday and is progressing very well in the gospel. We are also very excited for an inactive family that is beginning to come to church again. 

Our ward is planning a trip to the temple later this month, and we are working to get the inactive members excited about going and setting up baptismal interviews for them. 

At the end of this week we have mission transfers again. I don't know if I'll be in the same area, or if I will get a new companion, but I willing to do whatever God wants me to do. 

I hope all is well and that you have a great week!
-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Family

Hola Familia 

¿Como esta? Esta semana fue bien. Tuvimos muchas lecciones muy buenas esta semana. ¿Porque estoy escribiendo en espaƱol? Yo no sĆ©, tal vez yo quiero hacer algo diferente. Mi gramĆ”tica en espaƱol no es perfecto, pero yo creo que ustedes pueden entender si usan "google translate". 

Estamos muy animadas por uno de nuestros investigadores. Ella esta asistiendo a la capilla y tiene una fecha bautismal. Cuando le enseƱamos todos los lecciones, ella serĆ” lista para ser bautizado. Estoy muy animada por ella. 

Estoy dando Clases de InglĆ©s en la capilla todos los viernes a las 6:30. Yo he aprendido que algunos personas no se interesa mucho a escuchar a las misioneras, pero cuando hablamos de clases de inglĆ©s, la respuesta muchas veces es como asĆ­: "¿En serio? Donde? Cuando?" Siempre despuĆ©s nuestros clases, compartimos un lecciĆ³n del Evangelio con las personas. Las personas son receptivas y amables. 

Yo he recibido algunos instrucciones sobre nuestro llama en el DĆ­a de la Madre. Voy a enviar informaciĆ³n sobre esto un poco mĆ”s tarde. 

Estoy bien. Estoy mejorando. Estoy trabajando duro. Estoy tratando a hacer lo que es correcto. 

Continuar a vivir los principios del Evangelio, y Dios va a bendecirles. Yo testifico de Ć©l. Testifico de la veracidad del Evangelio. (En cual quiere idioma, es lo mismo.) 

¡Tenga una semana buena!

Con Amor, 

-Hermana Schuetz 

Hola Familia

Hey everyone!

This week was great! I had a wonderful time at the temple in Vera Cruz. The Spirit was strong and the love of the temple workers was great. I consider the opportunity to attend the temple as a gift from God. 

We had a wonderful Easter. Two of our investigators accepted a baptismal date. Two of our inactive members expressed to us their desire to change and continue to try to attend church. 

I am improving little by little in my teaching and in my Spanish. I have high hopes for this week. 

Have a wonderful week!
-Hermana Schuetz


Hi Again :-)

Hola Familia

Hey everyone!
How did you like General Conference? I thought it was great! It was my first time watching conference in Spanish and I didn't understand everything, but from what I understood, it was excellent. I really liked the messages about remaining firm under opposition. 

I can't say that my health has been perfect, however. During the Sunday morning session of Conference didn't feel very well and I had some vomiting problems. The members helped me and a doctor subscribed some medicine for me. I feel a lot better now. 

My new companion is Hermana Solorzano :) She is from Nicaragua and is 20 years old. She has a little sister that is 14 years old, and she's a natural missionary. She knows exactly what to do and what to say and I am confident that we will work well together :)

Thanks mom and dad, for the package and the hymn books and everything :) I recieved a lot of letters, also. From Grandfather, from Jennifer, from President Barnes and members of the ward. Send my thanks to all of them :) I will try to write them all back as soon as I can. 

Papa is in my prayers. I will be praying especially hard for him in the coming week, as well as for Wink and her family. Overall, I am doing well. I am working hard to be the type of missionary that my Father in Heaven wants me to be. I have great hopes for the coming months and I am doing the best I can to help investigators come close to Christ.

I hope that everything is going well. Remember always the goodness of Jesus Christ and His power. He is the Prince of Peace and the Great Redeemer of all mankind. Although we can't understand everything, we know this: God is our loving Heavenly Father and He wants to help us. :)

God be with you

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Family

Hey everyone!

Thank you so much for your letters! I got one from Daniel, Grandfather, Jennifer and one of the families in our ward. Thanks :)

Unfortunately, I don't have much time this Monday to write back, but I will try for next Monday. 

Today we have Transfers. I am staying in  my current area and I'm going to train a new sister missionary. (She is a Spanish speaking latina and I don't remember her name very well, but I will be meeting her later today). I am a little nervous for this change, but hopefully everything will work out. 

We recieved two new beds in our apartment. Our area is going to be divided and one of the Hermanas who I've known well since I arrived in going to open a new area. :) 

This past week has been great. One of our investigators has been having a difficult time with a drinking problem, but the past time that we visited him, he has improved tremendously and is beginning to read the Book of Mormon. 

We are also very excited for one of our investigators who is very interested in learning more about the gospel and making changes in his life. He told us that he would try to change his work schedule so that he would be able to come to church every Sunday :) 

Everyday I am learning more about the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. His infinite sacrifice has tremendous power to change the minds, hearts, desires and actions of His children. His atonement heals broken hearts and binds together families. I can't comprehend His great, atoning sacrifice, but I know that it is real. 

I hope that all is well and that you always remember the Savior's blessings through difficult moments

With lots of love, 

-Hermana Schuetz

Hola Familia

Hi everyone 

This week was great! Our investigator was baptized this past Wednesday and confirmed on Sunday. Both experiences were very beautiful. She is happy to be a member and is always looking to learn more. Her husband is very supportive, although he's not exactly decided about a church yet (we will continue to work to see if we can teach him). 

I had a very beautiful experience this week during one of our lessons. We taught the Restoration to one of our investigators using the church Restoration video. The Spirit was strong as we watched and bore our testimonies after. Our investigator (Esteban) gave the closing prayer during which he thanked God for the oportunity to hear His word. These words were suprising to hear from him and I am grateful that his testimony is progressing. 

At the end of this week we have transfers again. We have been informed that we will be recieving twenty-four new sister missionaries. It is possible that I will be training a sister missionary for the first time. I don't know what will happen, but I'm willing to do whatever the Lord wants me to do. 

Have an incredible week!

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Family

Hola Familia

This week was great! We have a baptism for one of our investigators this Wednesday :) Everyone in the ward is very excited for her and we are, as well.

We shared a message with the bishop's family this week about sharing the gospel with friends. In turn, the bishop shared the things that we had taught to the whole ward on Sunday. :) We also had one of our newest investigators attend church on Sunday. He is really interested in the church, and very receptive. He accepted our challenge to prepare for a bautismal date. :)

This week we have a Zone Conference, Baptism, Baptismal interview and we are going to teach English classes. It will be quite the week. :)

I am learning and improving little by little everyday. I am truly grateful to be a missionary and to invite many people to come to Christ. I hope that everyone is doing well and always doing those things neccesary to feel close to the Savior. I know He lives and that He loves us all.

With love and gratitude,

-Hermana Schuetz 


Singing for Elder Dallin H. Oaks

"Lead Kindly Light" but in Spanish is it, "Divina Luz"

Hola Familia

Hi everyone 

This week has been great! We have a firm baptism date for one of our investigadors :) I am learning more and more in my new area and I am grateful for the support of all of the members and the ward council. 

We also had a day of transfers and I got the opportunity to work with one of the sister missionary leaders, Hermana Prieto. She is very hard working and kind and I have learned a great deal from her. 

I am excited to see changes in our investigadores. They are truly changing for the better. I have seen and continue to see many miracles everyday, thanks to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I continue to try to do all that I can to help everyone come nearer to Christ. 

May God forever watch over you,

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Everyone

Hey everyone!

How's everything going in the United States? I've been doing well, learning more each day. There's a lot to take in and a lot to learn, but I'm trying to learn more each day and remember everything (people, places, street names, etc.). 

We invited one of our investigadores to be baptized, and he acepted! He has some difficulties with the word of wisdom, but he has such a strong desire to turn his life around and live better for his son's sake. 

We've also been teaching a man who has been taking the missionary discussions for a long time. He is very ready and willing to be baptized. He's even helped us with references for others to teach. We have to wait, however, because he needs special permission from a high leader in the church (A Seventy, I think), to be baptized.

Anyways, we have been teaching many people who are very receptive to the message of the gospel. The blessings of God have been upon us and we have witnessed many miracles while here. 

I hope that everyone has a great week. Always remember the goodness of Jesus Christ and the power of His Atonement. I have a powerful testimony in the goodness and power of Jesus Christ and I have a testimony that through Him, all things are possible. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is God's true church upon the Earth, and am always trying to follow Jesus Christ in everything I do. 

God bless you and be with you always,

-Hermana Schuetz



Hey everyone! Greeting from Mexico City! This week was my first week in my new area. My new area is much different than my other area. It is much more large and has many more people. (But this is great for the work, right? :) 

We have taught many people who have been very receptive to the gospel. On Rachel's Birthday, especially, there were many wonderful miracles in the mission field. Whenever we visit people, I can always see in them a renewed sense of duty to God. I have a great responsibily to each one of these people. My companion invited many people to baptism and I am slowly trying to learn the names, steets, lifestyles, etc. of all of the people that we visit. 

Saturday there was an event at the chruch where many couples who had been living together were at last married. I didn't attend the event, but I helped set up chairs and I heard later that it was a big sucess. 

My district is wonderful. We have very awesome, funny and supportive district leaders who try to help us as much as they can. 

I hope that you are all doing well and that Rachel had a very Happy Birthday. I know that the Savior lives and that He is here to help us if we will seek Him. Have an incerdible week!

-Hermana Schuetz 

Hi Family

Hi Everyone! This week has been incredible! We have taught and contacted many people who are interested in the gospel. One of our investigadores accepted our baptism invitation and she told us that she believes in everything that we teach!

Today, I was transferred to a new area along with some other sister missionaries who were transferred as well. My new companion, Sister Homes is very kind and I'm confident that I will do well with her. She's from Portland, Oregon :)

I am very excited to work in a new area and I see miracles everyday :) 

Until next week, 
-Hermana Schuetz

Hola Familia

!Hola Familia¡

This week has been great. Our mission and another mission in Mexico City got the unique opportunity to hear Elder Oaks address us. My companion was the first to shake his hand and I was the second. His words were very inspiring. 

We have been teaching many wonderful people and contacting much as well. MIracles take place each day.

I hope you have a great week!

-Hermana Schuetz

aya ban

Hooola mi misionera favorita!!!

saludos & picture

Hi Family

Hey everyone

This week has been great! We have taught many people and I am learning more each day.

A few days ago a woman approached us and asked me if I speak English. She was very excited and proceeded to talk to me in English and say that she loves my country, and the people in the United States. She invited us into her home where she gave us earings (she sells jewelry) and we tried to teach her, but it was difficult for her because she is strongly attached to another religiĆ³n.

More adventures each day. I hope all is well.

-Hermana Schuetz

Hi Family

So, I don't have much time to write this week, but it's been a great week. I've been able to invite a lady named Ruth to baptism and she agreed to pray to know the truth and be baptized if she discovers that it is true.
I have been able to contact a few people on the streets this week, and the language is coming along. I hope all is well.
Until next week,
-Hermana Schuetz


Hola Familia

Hi everyone! This week has been great!

I learn a bit more Spanish each day. The days are beautiful, the missionaries are great and the work of God is progressing.

Hilight of the week: We contacted a woman and her daughter on the Street who were watching us closely. As we talked, Maria (the woman) said that she can feel the presence of God when we walk by. It was a very touching experience.

I have truly enjoyed the love and the Spirit of the Mexican people. The hospitality and generosity is overwhelming.

There are many people here that need the message of the gĆ³spel, and many people that have a desire to learn more.

The blessings of the Lord have been rich in abundance.

Thank you for all of your emails :)


We attended the baptism of this older sister a few days ago. She doesn't live in our area, but our mission president gave us permission to view her baptism.


Hey Everyone!

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful week! Mexico is amazing. There are many wonderful sights and sounds.

I have already had many wonderful spiritual experiences with sharing the gospel. I have had the opportunity to testify of its truthfulness. We are teaching many amazing people that are ready for baptism. The Spirit is very strong. 

I can't complain about my living conditions. They are very suitable for my purposes as a missionary. We have water, electricity and beds. Not many people in Mexico have these things. Our home is well secured, as our door (and the doors of most people here) is a sliding thick metal.

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Hi Family

Well, I am here at last in Mexico! I made it through the flights without any difficulties. 

My mission president is a native Spanish speaker and only speaks very little English, but he is very kind. He greeted us warmly and treated all of us to pizza the day of our arrival. 

Along with just about all the other hermanas, I was placed with a native Spanish speaker, Hermana Gommez. She is very kind and patient along with the other Hermanas that I share an apartment with. The city is large, diverse and colorful, but not dangerous as long as I abide by the mission rules. Especially with a native companion, there are no problems.  

My companion explained to me that there are many members of the church that are inactive. There are little difficulties involved with inviting a person to baptised and many difficulties helping them to continue to come to church and endure to the end. 

The apartments of the missionaries are provided with safe, jugged water. With the jugged water and the filter I received at the MTC, I am fine water wise. 

I already have been able to accompany my companion to eat and teach at a member's house and teach an inactive member. The spirit of love, kindness, friendship and sincerity is very strong among the Mexican people. I know that God is watching over all of them and I hope that I can do everything that I can to help them come closer to Christ.

Until next week (P Day is Monday),

Hermana Schuetz

Last Week

Hi Family!!

I hope that you are having a happy new year and that you have made many wonderful new years resolutions :) 

This week has been amazing! I have seen the hand of God in my life a great deal. The messages that were shared on Sunday were exactly what I needed to hear and the words of my teachers have been equally inspiring. I have learned to look to the Savior and remember His justice and mercy. 

I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Las Vegas to obtain my Visa with other missionaries. We were blessed to be greeted by many people who were excited for us and our service as missionaries, and many others who wanted to know who we are and what we were doing. My companion was blessed with the opportunity to talk to a woman about the gospel while we were on the airplane. She said that she was from Utah and that she didn't know much about the church, but wondered why everyone from our church was so happy. My companion and another missionary were able to teach her of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They shared with her the Restoration of the Gospel and Joseph Smith and left her a Book of Mormon of which she agreed to read. It was a great experience for her to share the gospel to this woman. 

While we were in Las Vegas, we were given some information about Mexico. We were told how to say certain words and phrases that are commonly used in Mexico and were told where to purchase foods that will be safe to eat. Our instructor informed us to be very careful in spending more money than what the mission president gives us. He said that we will have native companions who will be offended because of our wealth. To them, he said, missionary life is living like a king for the amount of money that is given. He said that it is not likely that we will need more than what we are given and that the more you have the more it is a liability to you.

He also emphasized to not have our family members send any packages to us while we are in Mexico. There is absolutely no guarantee that we will receive them. Do not send anything valuable. If you absolutely must, send something very small, invaluable, heavily taped and put religious stickers (Virgin Mary stickers) because some Mexicans will hesitate to tamper with items with the Virgin Mary on it. Unfortunately, even then there is no guarantee that I will receive it. (I think I will do ok though)

I only have a few days left at the MTC. (I leave on the 6th)

I am still working on Spanish, but I have learned a great deal and I am confident that I will eventually grasp it. 

I'm not sure when I will be able to call on the day I leave, but I will try to contact you with that information soon. 

I hope you all have a happy new year and remember the things that Christ has done as you strive to do better. I know that Christ has done much for me and lifted me up  :) 

I love you all


Hermana Schuetz 

Last Week

Hi Family!!

I hope that you are having a happy new year and that you have made many wonderful new years resolutions :) 

This week has been amazing! I have seen the hand of God in my life a great deal. The messages that were shared on Sunday were exactly what I needed to hear and the words of my teachers have been equally inspiring. I have learned to look to the Savior and remember His justice and mercy. 

I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Las Vegas to obtain my Visa with other missionaries. We were blessed to be greeted by many people who were excited for us and our service as missionaries, and many others who wanted to know who we are and what we were doing. My companion was blessed with the opportunity to talk to a woman about the gospel while we were on the airplane. She said that she was from Utah and that she didn't know much about the church, but wondered why everyone from our church was so happy. My companion and another missionary were able to teach her of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They shared with her the Restoration of the Gospel and Joseph Smith and left her a Book of Mormon of which she agreed to read. It was a great experience for her to share the gospel to this woman. 

While we were in Las Vegas, we were given some information about Mexico. We were told how to say certain words and phrases that are commonly used in Mexico and were told where to purchase foods that will be safe to eat. Our instructor informed us to be very careful in spending more money than what the mission president gives us. He said that we will have native companions who will be offended because of our wealth. To them, he said, missionary life is living like a king for the amount of money that is given. He said that it is not likely that we will need more than what we are given and that the more you have the more it is a liability to you.

He also emphasized to not have our family members send any packages to us while we are in Mexico. There is absolutely no guarantee that we will receive them. Do not send anything valuable. If you absolutely must, send something very small, invaluable, heavily taped and put religious stickers (Virgin Mary stickers) because some Mexicans will hesitate to tamper with items with the Virgin Mary on it. Unfortunately, even then there is no guarantee that I will receive it. (I think I will do ok though)

I only have a few days left at the MTC. (I leave on the 6th)

I am still working on Spanish, but I have learned a great deal and I am confident that I will eventually grasp it. 

I'm not sure when I will be able to call on the day I leave, but I will try to contact you with that information soon. 

I hope you all have a happy new year and remember the things that Christ has done as you strive to do better. I know that Christ has done much for me and lifted me up  :) 

I love you all


Hermana Schuetz 

Hi Family

Hi Everyone!!

The package that you sent me was beautiful. It arrived on Christmas Eve. Everything you sent was very thoughtful, particularly the Family History information. I really enjoyed reading the stories in it on Christmas Day

Christmas at the MTC was incredible!! The was strong and the messages were powerful. We were able to hear from Elder David A. Bednar. He did a very unique thing that has never before been done at the MTC. Somewhere around two hundred cell phones were passed out to the audience so that the missionaries could text him a question that he would answer. 

He answered all the questions that he could. His words were powerful and inspiring. He highlighted a scripture that was very meaningful to him in response to a question. The scripture spoke about Christ receiving the people in the Americas "one by one". He said touching the hearts and minds of individuals "one by one" is a theme throughout the Savior's life. He said that although it is not official doctrine he wonders if when the Savior suffered for us, he thought of and suffered for the sins of each individual, one by one. It was a powerful message. 

I felt close to my Savior on Christmas Day as I listened to the messages and as I felt the Spirit. I am very grateful for that. 

My calling as a missionary is inseparably connected to the meaning of Christmas. There no gift that I could possibly give that is more precious than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I recognize that that is my gift to the Savior. 

I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and that you were able to remember the Savior on that day. His love is strong and real. I testify of that. 

Have a wonderful week

-Hermana Schuetz

Hey Everyone!!

Hi Family! I don't have much time to write today, but I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

What a wonderful time of year when we are all able to think of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. At this time of year especially, I have tried to think of Him regularly and do the things that I know that He would have me do. The greatest gift that we can give our Savior for His birthday is gratitude for all that He has bestowed upon us. We can express that gratitude with our hearts and hands and we lift and bless, doing the things that the Savior would want us to do.

I am touched by His life, HIs ministry. I am touched by the overwhelming abundance of love that He gave while on the Earth. His life, His greatness and His righteousness fill me with a desire to serve Him all my days. My mind often reflects on the words of a touching Hymn:
Then sings my soul, My Savior, God to Thee

How Great Thou Art!
How Great Thou Art

Then sings my soul, my Savior, God to Thee

How Great Thou Art!
How Great Thou Art

And how Great He was. From the Highest place in Heaven to a humble stable in Bethlehem, He came. Not to do His own will, but the will of His Father. Not to expect recognition from the world, but to give Himself to the world.

My message is that He lives! That the babe born in Bethlehem is indeed, the Son of God, Lord in the Highest. King of King and Lord of Lords.

Have a Merry Christmas!

-Hermana Schuetz

Hello Family!! :)

Hi Everyone!!

This week was a great week! Although it is cold, the sun has been shining which brightens the day :) 

Our branch president has assigned us to write a talk (in Spanish) every week on an assigned topic. When Sunday comes, he announces from the pulpit who will be speaking. I was called on this past Sunday to speak about Enduring to the End. I had prepared very little, but I I had thought a great deal about the topic, and so I was able to speak somewhat fluently. Everyone congratulated me at the end and said that I did well. One of the counselors of the president said that I speak Spanish well. 

One of our investigators agreed to be baptized :-) It was a great accomplishment for our companionship. 

We listened to a talk given by Richard G. Scott a few days ago that I thought was very powerful. He spoke about being able to listen to the impressions that come to you. He said if you were to put a chili and a grape in your mouth at the same time, you would only taste one. It was a great comparison. 

I want to bear my testimony to each of you of the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This gospel is the truth. It is the fullness of the Everlasting Gospel, with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ at the head. It was restored by Joseph Smith, a prophet of God who did in reality see God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. 

And I am so happy to be a part of it :)

I would like to challenge you (especially at this season, but also throughout your life) to write down the mercies of the Lord in your life each day. I've been doing that exercise lately, and it has blessed me in ways beyond comprehension. 

There are many wonderful little gifts that we receive throughout the day that we overlook as normal, when in reality they may be expressions of the love of God for His children. 

I hope you have a great week :-)

-Hermana Schuetz

Greetings from the North Pole :)

Hi Family! 

This week has been great! Yesterday was my compaƱera´s birthday. Our district received an inheritance from the previous district with party hats and candy and fun stuff, so we had a mini celebration. 

More fun stuff our district did: We all dressed in red or holiday attire and made a district Christmas Card. Next P-Day we will go to the Kinkos place off campus and make it nice to send to everyone. 

Yesterday, we had the privilege of hearing Quinten L. Cook speak at our Tuesday devotional. He stressed the importance of working with members, leaders and the mission president when we enter the field. He spoke of meaningful passages of scripture and gave an overall very inspirational message. 

This week our companionship invited our practice investigator to be baptized and he agreed! It was a remarkable and humbling experience. The Spirit was very strong.

Utah has had a crazy amount of snow. Some of the missionaries who were sent to the field had to turn back because of flight delays/cancellations. The weather has cleared up a bit since then, however.

I've been doing great :) Learning a bit more Spanish each day and praying in Spanish has been incredible. 

Besides the snow and all the cancellations, what's been going on? It was great to hear that you still have power. :) 

Spiritual Thought: I've been reading in the Old Testament about people of the children of Israel who gave up their gold, silver, fine twined linen and other riches for the Tabernacle of the Congregation. The people were described as those whose "hearts stirred within them" and were "wise in heart". What offering can you make to God and to those around you, that their hearts might be stirred? 

This week has been very inspiring. It is such a wonderful thing to teach the gospel. 

--Hermana Schuetz 

P.S. Nathaniel, I got your letter :) I'm sending you a letter today

Hey everyone :-)

Hola Mi Familia!

My first day at the MTC could not have been better!!! :-) Everyone was extremely kind and understanding and helpful. We went through the basic stuff (getting name badges, dropping luggage off in our rooms and getting reading supplies). Then I met my Spanish teacher and my district. 

Sister Stewart (My Spanish teacher), I am convinced is the best teacher ever! :-) she is so kind, knowledgeable and helpful. We have a district with 5 sisters and two elders. I was placed into a group with two companions, so there are three of us total.

Hermana Vaeter and Hermana Vea are incredible!!! :-) We are all very kind to each other and have a lot of fun. Hermana Vaeter is going to Mexico City South with me and Hermana Vea is going to Mexico City West. I learned that the Mexico City Temple is not in my mission, but the new Missionary Training Center is. 

Our mission president for our stay at the MTC is a wonderful person. He is kind and respectful to everyone. He was in tears just a bit when the missionaries from our group left this past week. I have only briefly met him, but he seems like a very good person.

I was placed on the West Side MTC campus which is away form the main building. The rules on the West side are a bit more relaxed. We can leave the campus on P-Days and go to a certain shopping area to eat. (We got Jamba Juice today :-))

I was assigned as the Senior Companion for the first two weeks here. I was told that I ask a person to say a prayer when our companionship prays and I lead companionship inventory. 

The cafeteria takes care of me food wise. They have a vegetarian plate fixed for me when the meal has meat in it. 

I've seen Brayden Auten here :-) He's on the West Side as well, but I haven't seen else. 

We had a wonderful experience last night. A member of the Seventy spoke at a fireside and his words were so powerful and inspiring. :-)

More good news: An apostle is coming to speak to us on Thanksgiving and my companeras and I are in the choir (front row!) The choir instructor told us that we would be singing for more "important guests" which will be coming for several successive weeks in a row. He said that the meetings that we will be singing for will be broadcast to MTC's around the world! ( And we're in the front row, so watch BYU TV and you might see me!)

The environment is is so kind, respectful and powerful. I have loved being a part of it. 

I sent a letter home and I am sending one in the mail today (it might have some info in it that I already expressed in this email.) 

All is well. The only thing that I need from mom is the clothes that were in the dryer, and if Daniel would be willing to pick up some things that I need to get rid of that would be great :-)  

If you guys could read this to Rachel and Sam and Daniel, that would be great. (I forgot their email addresses. Is is I think those were right, but I don't remember). 

Let me know about how your Thanksgiving is and how everyone is doing :-) There is a picture attached :-)

--Hermana Schuetz 

P.S. Mom, your cousin Sandra Dominguez is so nice! She sent me muffins and M&M's and a nice card that I shared with my companions :-) I wrote her a thank-you card today

P.P.S. My P-day is on Wednesday while I'm at the MTC